Offline/Away from desk

Aug 5, 2023
Customer Support
A "Offline/Away from desk" message is a message that let's others know that you are not available to answer questions or messages at the moment. This is usually sent when you are taking a break or are unavailable for a period of time.
A "Offline/Away from desk" message is a message that let's others know that you are not available to answer questions or messages at the moment.
This is usually sent when you are taking a break or are unavailable for a period of time.
This message is often used in online chat rooms or forums.
Some examples of when you might send an Offline/Away from desk message are if you are going to be out of the office for a meeting or if you are going to be working from home for the day.
  • Thank you for your inquiry. I am currently away from my desk but will respond to your message as soon as possible.
  • Our sincerest apologies – all agents are offline at the moment. Please try again later.
  • We are so sorry for the inconvenience – all of our agents are currently offline. Please try again later.
  • All of our agents are currently offline. Please try again later or contact us via our website.
  • I'm sorry, all of our agents are currently unavailable. Please try again later or contact us through our website.
  • All of our agents are currently offline. Please try again later or reach out to us through our website.
  • All agents are currently offline. Please try again later or contact customer service through our website.
  • Our customer service agents are all currently offline. Please try again later or visit our website for more information.
  • All of our customer service agents are currently unavailable. Please try again later or visit our website for more information.
  • Our customer service team is currently unavailable. Please try again later or visit our website for more information.
  • Currently, all of our customer service agents are offline. Please try again later or visit our website.

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